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Find your cleaning lady in Bassersdorf

Looking for a cleaner in Bassersdorf? - quite simply with b13be8d.myraidbox.com. Find your cleaning lady in Bassersdorf. Create an advert for a cleaning job in Bassersdorf and receive applications or invite cleaners to your job listing.

cleaning lady bassersdorf

SUUBER cleaners

in your area

Window cleaning
Fridge cleaning
to make the laundry
I have Pets
55 Result found

We have found 55 cleaner in your region.

Featured Image
  • Cynthia

  • |
  • 42 years old
criminal records checked
criminal records checked
  • 8154,Oberglatt
  • 5
    9 Reviews
  • distance: 9.0 km
  • Member since: 1 year
  • experience: eight years +
  • Window cleaning
  • Cleaner
  • to make the laundry
  • Pets
  • last login :
    32 minutesago
  • last login :
    32 minutesago

price per hour

  • 30.00

    CHF/h (Net Salary)
  • 38.16

    CHF/h (Total Price)
Featured Image
  • Bastrije

  • |
  • 48 years old
criminal records checked
  • 8052,Zurich
  • 4
    12 Reviews
  • distance: 6.8 km
  • Member since: 1 year
  • experience:
  • Iron
  • Cleaner
  • Pets
  • last login :
    12 hours ago
  • last login :
    12 hours ago

price per hour

  • 30.00

    CHF/h (Net Salary)
  • 38.16

    CHF/h (Total Price)
Featured Image
  • Hasije

  • |
  • 37 years old
criminal records checked
  • 8055,Zurich
  • 5
    1 Reviews
  • distance: 13.4 km
  • Member since: 5 years
  • experience: five years +
  • Cleaner
  • to make the laundry
  • Pets
  • last login :
    1 day ago
  • last login :
    1 day ago

price per hour

  • 30.00

    CHF/h (Net Salary)
  • 38.16

    CHF/h (Total Price)
Featured Image
  • Hamida

  • |
  • 42 years old
criminal records checked
criminal records checked
  • 8624,Green
  • 5
    6 Reviews
  • distance: 19.0 km
  • Member since: 6 months
  • experience: eight years +
  • Iron
  • Window cleaning
  • Fridge cleaning
  • Cleaner
  • to make the laundry
  • Pets
  • last login :
    2 days ago
  • last login :
    2 days ago

price per hour

  • 30.00

    CHF/h (Net Salary)
  • 38.16

    CHF/h (Total Price)
Featured Image
  • Exile

  • |
  • 58 years old
criminal records checked
criminal records checked
  • 8600,Dübendorf
  • 5
    6 Reviews
  • distance: 5.3 km
  • Member since: 11 months
  • experience: five years +
  • Window cleaning
  • Fridge cleaning
  • Cleaner
  • Pets
  • last login :
    2 days ago
  • last login :
    2 days ago

price per hour

  • 30.00

    CHF/h (Net Salary)
  • 38.16

    CHF/h (Total Price)
Featured Image
  • Sandra

  • |
  • 46 years old
criminal records checked
  • 8302,Kloten
  • 5
    3 Reviews
  • distance: 2.6 km
  • Member since: 3 years
  • experience:
  • Iron
  • Window cleaning
  • Fridge cleaning
  • Cleaner
  • to make the laundry
  • Pets
  • last login :
    4 days ago
  • last login :
    4 days ago

price per hour

  • 26.00

    CHF/h (Net Salary)
  • 33.54

    CHF/h (Total Price)
Featured Image
  • Aliu

  • |
  • 40 years old
criminal records checked
  • Aliu

  • |
  • 40 years old
criminal records checked
  • 8052,Zurich
  • 5
    1 Reviews
  • distance: 6.8 km
  • Member since: 1 year
  • experience: three years +
  • Window cleaning
  • Cleaner
  • to make the laundry
  • Pets
  • last login :
    4 days ago
  • last login :
    4 days ago

price per hour

  • 28.00

    CHF/h (Net Salary)
  • 35.85

    CHF/h (Total Price)
Featured Image
  • Faiza

  • |
  • 48 years old
criminal records checked
criminal records checked
  • 8052,Zurich
  • 4
    19 Reviews
  • distance: 6.8 km
  • Member since: 2 years
  • experience: eight years +
  • Iron
  • Fridge cleaning
  • Cleaner
  • to make the laundry
  • Pets
  • last login :
    8 days ago
  • last login :
    8 days ago

price per hour

  • 30.00

    CHF/h (Net Salary)
  • 38.16

    CHF/h (Total Price)
Featured Image
  • Tedesco

  • |
  • 43 years old
criminal records checked
  • 8052,Zurich
  • 0
    0 Reviews
  • distance: 6.8 km
  • Member since: 1 year
  • experience: five years +
  • Cleaner
  • Pets
  • last login :
    8 days ago
  • last login :
    8 days ago

price per hour

  • 28.00

    CHF/h (Net Salary)
  • 35.85

    CHF/h (Total Price)
Featured Image
  • Sonia

  • |
  • 58 years old
criminal records checked
criminal records checked
  • 8051,Zurich
  • 5
    3 Reviews
  • distance: 6.0 km
  • Member since: 2 years
  • experience: eight years +
  • Iron
  • Window cleaning
  • Fridge cleaning
  • Cleaner
  • Recycling
  • to make the laundry
  • Pets
  • last login :
    24 days ago
  • last login :
    24 days ago

price per hour

  • 30.00

    CHF/h (Net Salary)
  • 38.16

    CHF/h (Total Price)

Cleaning lady Bassersdorf

Bassersdorf is located in the district of Bülach and is close to Opfikon, Kloten and Dietlikon.
All of these villages are located in the canton of Zurich. It is a good 15 kilometres from Bassersdorf to Zurich itself. By car, this can be covered in around 15 to 20 minutes.

Bassersdorf was briefly declared the district capital in 1788. However, this district was quickly dissolved and moved on to Bülach. Since then, only the seat of the notary's office in Bassersdorf remains as a reminder of this part of history.

In 2005, the community of Bassersdorf celebrated 850 years - quite a lot. A lot has changed during this time. Buildings were renovated, people moved in and out and the landscape changed.

Why should you look for a cleaner in Bassersdorf?

Of course, it is not only the political municipality of Bassersdorf that has changed over the course of 850 years.
During this time, people's jobs and professions also changed dramatically. Millers became traders, traders became proprietors and finally proprietors became entrepreneurs.

It's the same with cleaners. In the Middle Ages, house cleaning was not taken so seriously and was only done by servants or slaves for the rich and beautiful. But even there, the dark Middle Ages were not half as clean and beautiful as we like to imagine.

Fortunately, this changed over time. People began to realise that a lack of hygiene could lead to serious illness and even death. When this happened, the life expectancy of the average person rose from just 35 to 40 years to up to 70 years.

Suddenly, cleanliness became really important. At this moment, the Labour market for cleaning staff to grow enormously. Everyone did their laundry, everyone cleaned their house, everyone made sure their plates were clean - just don't die from a few germs!

Even shortly before the modern era, it was not uncommon for people to employ cleaners. They washed and rinsed the dishes and often took care of other Household tasks.

Nowadays, the household is a (tiresome) normal topic. You just have to get it done. That's how many people feel - probably you too.
You should therefore consider whether a cleaner could take over these tasks. It might even be a good idea to hire a qualified cleaner - especially if you have a sensitive immune system.

Why should you look for a cleaner or a job at SUUBER?

Back to the Middle Ages once again:
Finding the first cleaners was not so easy. Who should you ask for help when the area is new to everyone?
To put it mildly, the cleaners in the late Middle Ages were more bad than good. But nobody wanted to bother - nobody knew any better.

Over time, soaps, disinfectants and sanitisers were Cleaning agent invented. It became increasingly clear that cleaners had a certain amount of expertise. With this realisation, the cleaner not only became better known, but also more popular.

This is still the case today. We teach our children how to wash laundry without discolouring it.
A cleaner knows that.

On SUUBER you will only find self-employed staff who are qualified and tested. As we live in the 21st century, there is a little more to it than just a test. It requires correct registration, proof of social security, lots of personal data,

Yes, unfortunately there is a lot of paperwork these days. But we are also well protected.
Correct registration includes a contract and taking out social insurance to avoid huge financial losses in the event of a claim.

SUUBER mediates between customers and Cleaning service providers and at the same time takes care of all important legal and contractual aspects of the employment.

So we make sure that you and your partner are covered and that there are no disputes in the event of a claim.
You don't have this advantage with private employment. What's more, our cleaners can set their own hourly wage. In this way, we are slowly but surely counteracting the chronic underpayment within the cleaning industry.

How do cleaning service providers and customers find each other on SUUBER?

Thanks to the technology, we can use postcodes to see which people live where. This is precisely how we narrow down which jobs or service providers could be available for you.

You can use manual (or automatic) filter options to further sort the results you receive after the initial search. To do this, simply tick the box wherever your order applies.

How to create a job offer on SUUBER

To create orders, you need an account with us. Once you have registered, you can get started straight away and post your first orders. If you prefer to take your time first are looking for a self-employed cleaner you can of course do that too.

You are completely free to decide how and who you want to hire for your jobs. The more detailed your job descriptions are, the faster you will find a suitable partner for them.

So take a little time to list the tasks, such as laundry, cleaning windows, watering plants or washing dishes. Of course, it would also be a good idea to indicate your budget.

Start directly with the registration here!

Register as a cleaner on SUUBER and find jobs

Our Cleaning staff need an account. They must also submit some personal documents for verification.

This is easily done via SUUBER.

You can then enter any other details you would like to leave in your profile. For example, your hourly wage or your qualifications.

You can recognise which documents we are still missing by the red markings. Please submit these as soon as possible.

Start directly with your registration on SUUBER!

What are you waiting for? Find your cleaning lady in Bassersdorf

Sign up now for free!

Create profile

General terms and conditions of business

AGB b13be8d.myraidbox.de

1. Definitions

The following terms are used in these terms and conditions: Contractual partner: Any natural person who has concluded a mandate agreement or a b13be8d.myraidbox.de platform agreement with PersonalApp AG. User: Any natural person who uses the b13be8d.myraidbox.de platform of PersonalApp AG. Employer: Any natural person who has concluded a mandate agreement with PersonalApp AG. Employee: Any natural person who has concluded a b13be8d.myraidbox.de platform contract with PersonalApp AG. Website/platform: "b13be8d.myraidbox.de platform" or "b13be8d.myraidbox.de"

2. Scope

These General Terms and Conditions apply to all contractual relationships that PersonalApp AG, based in Zurich, binds to its contractual partners and to any use of the b13be8d.myraidbox.de Internet platform.

3. Contractual reservations

The services provided by PersonalApp AG are only those that are expressly provided for in the contracts agreed and signed by PersonalApp AG.

4. Obligation to process via PersonalApp AG

If an employment relationship between employee and employer is established via the b13be8d.myraidbox.de platform, the employment must be carried out via PersonalApp AG. It is prohibited to settle the mediated employment outside the b13be8d.myraidbox.de platform. In the event of an offence, compensation of CHF 500 will be payable by the employer.

5. Beginning and end of the contractual relationships

The contracts that PersonalApp AG concludes with its contractual partners determine their duration. The termination must be communicated to the other party in writing. The corresponding legal effects only take effect at the time of receipt. The contractual partners are made aware that the end of the contractual relationship entails the end of the insurance cover. Employers must therefore take the necessary steps to insure their employees against accidents and to provide them with all other insurance coverage that is incumbent on the employer, especially in the area of ​​occupational pensions.

6. Access to the Internet offering

PersonalApp AG manages its internet platform freely and reserves the right to reject potential contractual partners without giving reasons. Certain services on the platform only become accessible once the contract is concluded or registration is made. The website is generally accessible daily and 24 hours a day. However, PersonalApp AG assumes no liability for temporary interruptions or the blocking of accounts whose use appears to be inappropriate, illegal or immoral. In the event of a violation of the General Terms and Conditions, PersonalApp AG can block the user’s access to the information and services offered on the website at any time without prior notice. In the event of damage resulting from the customer’s violation of these terms and conditions, PersonalApp AG reserves the right to assert claims for damages, plus a cease and desist from improper use.

7. Relationship between employer and working cleaner

The customer who registers as an employer at b13be8d.myraidbox.de is responsible for selecting the desired cleaner. Agreements on the content of the employment contract (salary, time, location, etc.) are made exclusively between the employee and the employer. The employee is provided with an app with a geotracking function from PersonalApp AG, which can be used to carry out and check time accounting. The main purpose of the app with geotracking is to monitor performance (compliance with the working hours agreed with the employer).

8. Contractual obligations towards PersonalApp AG

The contract concluded between PersonalApp AG and its contractual partners determines the respective obligations of the parties. The mandate agreement authorises PersonalApp AG to represent the contractual partner vis-à-vis affected third parties. As part of the conclusion of the contract, the employer may additionally authorise PersonalApp AG by means of a power of attorney to carry out actions provided for in the contract. The employer and the employee undertake to settle the entire employment relationship via the b13be8d.myraidbox.de platform. Any settlement outside the b13be8d.myraidbox.de platform, for example by submitting settlement documents to the compensation office, is not permitted. The contractual partners undertake to provide only correct data on the PersonalApp AG website, both personally and with regard to the employment relationship (e.g. hours worked). Any changes to the employment relationship or personal details must be communicated to PersonalApp AG within 14 days. In the event of a breach of the above-mentioned obligations, PersonalApp AG reserves the right to charge the guilty party separately for the extra work caused at CHF -120 (excl. VAT) per hour or to claim compensation.

9. Financial Obligations

After conclusion of the contract, PersonalApp AG creates a personal account for the contractual partner into which the contractual partner makes advance payments in order to enable PersonalApp AG to carry out its services. The amount to be paid by the contractual partner can be accessed in the private customer area of ​​the PersonalApp AG website. The employing contractual partner is responsible for making the payments due on time. Reminder costs from third parties in the event of a delay are borne by the employer contractual partner. The employer must report complaints within three working days – otherwise the order is automatically recognized as completed. Payments to the employees are made monthly, after the work has been confirmed. If an employee remains absent from work without excuse, the right to remuneration expires and this will in turn be credited to the client’s account.

10. Compensation/Commission

PersonalApp AG transparently reports the costs for insurance and administration. This is used to finance ongoing operations.

11. Satisfaction Guarantee

If an order is not completed to the client’s satisfaction, the employee is obliged to make improvements accordingly. However, the client must set realistic timelines and set the priorities accordingly.

12. Warranties and Disclaimers

PersonalApp AG provides all contractually agreed services on the basis of the actual hours worked, as communicated by the contractual partner via the b13be8d.myraidbox.de platform. PersonalApp AG is not obliged to carry out the billing in accordance with the contract if the employee's activity has not been registered on the customer portal of the PersonalApp AG website or if the customer account has an insufficient credit balance. PersonalApp AG will inform the contractual partner of such a deficiency no later than the scheduled date of salary payment. PersonalApp AG disclaims any liability for social security or other contributions due to incomplete or missing information provided by the contractual partner or insufficient advance payments in favour of PersonalApp AG. PersonalApp AG is not liable for a possible underfunding of the compensation fund due to the subsequent collection of contributions. As the employer, the contractual partner is solely responsible for the proper execution of the employment relationship. PersonalApp AG rejects any liability arising from labour law disputes between the contractual partner and his employee.

13. Computer security and cookies

PersonalApp AG is committed to protecting all personal data and ensuring that the computer systems, programs or other software under its control comply with the current state of security technology. Users must maintain the security of any computer systems, programs or other software under their control. PersonalApp AG particularly uses secured networks that are protected by industry standard firewalls and a password. PersonalApp AG has security measures in place to prevent the loss, misuse and alteration of user data. The PersonalApp AG internet platform uses so-called cookies. PersonalApp AG draws the contractual partners‘ attention to the fact that rejecting cookies may result in certain services and functions of the Internet platform not being able to be fully used.

14. Data Protection

PersonalApp AG undertakes not to pass on any personal data exchanged on the platform to third parties, unless there is a legal obligation to do so. PersonalApp AG guarantees that the processing of personal data is carried out in accordance with the applicable data protection regulations and undertakes to transmit the data provided by the contractual partner regarding his person or his employee (name, address, date of birth, AHV number, marital status, type of residence permit, etc.) exclusively to the social insurance companies or other insurance companies in accordance with the agreed benefits, as well as to the cantonal tax administration. By signing the contract with PersonalApp AG and by using the platform, the contractual partners declare their consent to the processing of their personal data for the aforementioned purposes. PersonalApp AG draws the attention of every user to the fact that he is responsible for the protection of the data he accesses via the website and that he must comply with Swiss data protection regulations, regardless of the country in which he is located. For further information on data collection and processing, please refer to the Privacy Policy, which can also be found on the website b13be8d.myraidbox.de.

15. Severability clause

The possible invalidity of one or more of the above-mentioned provisions has no effect on the validity of these general terms and conditions or the contracts signed between PersonalApp AG and its contractual partners.

16. Place of jurisdiction and applicable law

All contractual relationships between PersonalApp AG and its contractual partners are subject to substantive Swiss law, regardless of their place of residence. The exclusive place of jurisdiction is Zurich. Status: 30.10.2019.

In case of doubt, the German version applies.