Register and insure your cleaning lady
Questions and answers about hiring a cleaning lady and household insurance.
Do I have to register my cleaning lady?
As you sign a fiduciary authorisation (mandate) when you register, SUUBER will take care of all necessary correspondence.
Is my cleaning lady insured?
Yes, your Cleaner is comprehensively insured. In addition to AHV/IV/EO and unemployment insurance, this also includes KTG and accident insurance.
How do I register my cleaning lady with the AHV?
The whole Cleaning lady registration and insurance SUUBER will take care of the registration with the relevant offices such as AHV, ALV and so on for you. This means you no longer have to worry about it.
Is my household insured?
Your household is covered by liability insurance in the event of damage. This applies to all damage that exceeds the de minimis limit of CHF 500.