SUUBER is of course not the only agency that specialises in cleaners. You will therefore find some Online portale, which will show you various advantages.
Our advantage lies clearly in our service and the freedom we give you. We do not interfere in collaborations. You choose who you want to work with, how, when, where and under what circumstances.
We only take care of the legal and contractual matters that need to be dealt with when you are hired.
This also applies to the price and everything else that is part of the collaboration. You and your partner can negotiate the hourly rate. Most cleaners charge an hourly rate of CHF 31 - this is generally average and therefore completely reasonable.
For smaller jobs, the average price falls to around 28 francs. Larger jobs, on the other hand, raise the price to a good 33 francs.
Of course, it is also important that you discuss details. For example, which tasks are to be completed.
Whether windows need to be cleaned, dishes washed, laundry washed and dried,
To help you understand why our team is responsible for the contractual aspects, we would like to briefly show you what is required for correct registration:
You need a work permit, proof of social insurance, an extract from the criminal record and the documents must be checked, authorised and filed. Sometimes, however, information is not quite correct or is incomplete. In this case, a new document must be created, checked again and approved once more.
This causes a lot of paperwork and takes a long time.
That's why we take care of it. Our team is familiar with the structures and can simply complete these tasks faster than an untrained individual. It is also safer to have these contracts and the like done by a professional. This minimises errors and avoids unpleasant surprises, such as financial losses, if the insurance policies have not been taken out and checked correctly.
Personal injury in particular can quickly become very expensive without insurance. A single day in hospital costs just under CHF 202. If the accident is more serious and the person requires specialised treatment or a long stay, the costs can quickly add up to several thousand francs.